Optimal Mango Orcharding Excellence

What We are Doing

Terragrow took on a big job near Ahmedabad, handling more than 2000 different types of mango plants. Our goal was to make the orchard work better, improve the quality of the mangoes, and set a good example for farming.


What Stood Out:

  1. Care for Each Plant:
    • Gave special attention to each type of mango plant, making sure they get what they need.
    • Used smart farming to help plants grow well, considering what each plant likes.
  2. Smart Ways to Keep Away Problems:
    • Came up with a way to predict and stop diseases before they could hurt the plants.
    • Used new ways to control pests, using fewer chemicals to keep things natural.
  3. Saving Water:
    • Used smart watering systems and looked at weather data to use water wisely.
    • Made sure the orchard got just enough water without wasting any.
  4. Harvesting the Right Way:
    • Picked the mangoes at the right time, following when each type was ready.
    • Used better ways to pick the fruit so it stayed fresh and didn’t get damaged.
  5. Making Sure Mangoes Are Top Quality:
    • Checked the mangoes closely to make sure they were the best quality.
    • Found new ways to handle the mangoes after picking to keep them fresh and tasty.

The Mango Marvel project shows how Terragrow works hard to make farms better. We use new ideas and take good care of the plants, making sure our clients get the best results. The project is still going on, and we’re excited to keep making things better for the orchard and the people who enjoy its delicious mangoes.